The Purpose of

Te Moananui o Toi Trust

To enable projects which will directly enhance and or repair the Mauri of Te Moananui O Toi

About Us

The Te Moananui o Toi Trust is a partnership between Protect Te Moananui o Toi Trust and the Port of Auckland (POA).

The Trust was formed in 2023 because both parties recognised an urgent need to act to reverse at least some of the degradation suffered by Te Moananui o Toi.

Te Moananui o Toi represents the region spanning from the inner Waitemata harbour to the far side of Aotea Great Barrier and includes the designated disposal site past Cuvier Island.

The Trustees are Kelly Klink representing Protect Te Moananui o Toi Trust and Alistair Kirk representing Port of Auckland.

    Kelly Klink (Trustee)

    Alistair Kirk (Trustee)

    Our Purpose

    Enabling projects, via catalytic funding, which will directly enhance and/or restore the mauri of Te Moananui o Toi.



    • To support and fund projects which will directly benefit or enhance the mauri of Te Moananui o Toi
    • To support and fund projects which will provide commentary on the effects of disposing of dredged material (under the permit EEZ400011 held by POA) from a mātauranga Māori perspective
    • To support and fund projects which will provide practical insights and tactics on tackling some of the issues degrading Te Moananui o Toi.

    What We Will Fund

    • Educational initiatives which will inspire community groups to protect and restore the mauri of Te Moananui o Toi.
    • Direct action projects, both new and existing, which will directly benefit or enhance the mauri of Te Moananui o Toi, including restoration projects.
    • Projects to scientifically monitor the sea disposal of POA dredged material from a Mātauranga Māori perspective.
    • Post graduate/doctoral studies whose research aligns with our Purpose and Objectives.
    • Projects that span more than one year.

    N.B. Not every application will necessarily be granted funding in part or in full.

    What We Will Not Fund

    • Any legal cases, including legal challenges against POA dredging and sea disposal.
    • One off purchases of plant/machinery unless it is contributing to an already successful, ongoing project Buildings or whenua/land.
    • Any project unable to demonstrate commitment to improving the mauri of Te Moananui o Toi.

    What We Have Funded

    Funding for
    University of Auckland Exotic Caulerpa research into ultraviolet light treatment
    Te Wairua O te Moananui / Ocean Spirit Charitable Trust Reseeding kelp forest
    Spirit of Adventure Trust Environmental Scientist
    Ngatiwai o Aotea Kawa Marae Trust School holiday education programme
    Oruawharo Medlands Ecovision (OME) Seabird surveys and monitoring, kina removal projects and community events